Monday, June 19, 2017

o.b. tampons

Disclosure: I received this product free for testing and reviews purposes but all opinions are my own. 

I'm going to tell you about a product I tried thanks to Smiley360. I mean o.b. Original Tampons. A product that promises to give us peace and security on those days of the month. 

O.b. Tampons comes in different levels of absorption. The package suggests 8 hours of absorption. There is even a package that has different levels of absorption

O.b. Tampons has no applicator. This is very convenient because it does not generate more garbage. The tampon has fluid and spill guards. It is a product that adapts to the body of each woman.

Using this product is very easy. And it feels great. I have used it for several days and it really met my expectations. I did not have spills or discomfort using this product.

I will continue to use it and invite you to try it.

Visit this link so you know more about o.b. Tampons and receive a coupon. Http://


Les voy a contar de un producto que prob茅 gracias a Smiley360. Me refiero a o.b. Original Tampons. Un producto que promete darnos tranquilidad y seguridad en esos dias del mes.

o.b. tampons  no tiene aplicador. Esto es muy conveniente porque no genera mas basura.  El tampon tiene protector de fluido y de derrame. Es un producto que se adapta al cuerpo de cada mujer.

o.b. tampons viene en diferentes niveles de absorci贸n. El empaque sugiere 8 horas de absorci贸n. Incluso hay un paquete que tiene diferentes niveles de absorci贸n. 

Utilizar este producto es muy f谩cil. Y se siente muy bien. Yo lo he utilizado por varios dias y realmente llen贸 mis expectativas.  No tuve derrames o molestia usando este producto.

Yo lo continuar茅 usando y les invito a probarlo. 

Visita este link para que conozcas mas de o.b. tampons y recibas un cup贸n. 

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