Sunday, March 5, 2017


I got a free month subscription for testing and reviews purposes
from Tomoson and Dacobots but all opinion are my own.

I have two kids that love the technology because is what corresponds to their time. I am concerned about what they see and read using the technology of the internet. And I do make that taste for technology in positive tools.

Technology can help us focus our children in education and learning. Are many those websites that you have created with this objective, like

Dacobots is an educational games website for all ages kids. It is perfect for kids from Kinder trough 6th grade "who want to explore and learn at their own pace.  Dacobots are friendly robots created to help the children of Earth discover the beauty of the world"  (From their Facebook page)

We tried The Power Brain Series for 5th grade. This series is focus in memorize and stimulate the brain using games. It is funny and educational. Your guys on the lesson are robots. They teach how to play and stay with you in the whole lessons.

One of the game that we tried was called First Letter Mnemonics.

 In this lesson, you learn ways to remember stuff by only using a sentence, like how to remember the order of the planets. The sentence was "My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles." At the end, you play as a man and parkour using the sentences ZALMOX (one of the robots), gave you. If you get one wrong, you'll have to start the sentence all over again. So, you do not want to lose!

My son has 9 years and to it was very fun and easy of surf and play. The website has lots of fun and vibrant colors. Everything is organized and has many graphics and drawings. 

You can subscribe by one, three, sixth or twelve month. The cost is affordable. Click here for get more information.

If you have a kids that enjoy technology like mine, this website is best try it.

You can see a video on YouTube. Click here!

See you in the next!!

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