Sunday, January 15, 2017

Maybelline Colossal Big Shot Mascara


Although I am not women who are make-up every day, through all the steps involved a perfect makeup, never missing a layer of mascara on my eyes. What I seek in a mascara depends on the time, the occasion and the look that I want to take.

Characteristics of my favorite mascara has been changed with time and learning on the subject of makeup. My favorite were the mascara that they widened the eyelashes. I think that it does look face sexy and beautiful

Since I use eyeglasses, such preferences have changed, I have learned that when you use eyeglasses do not you must lengthen eyelashes because they will not look. I am thin, clear and short eyelashes, so now looking for mascara to give me volume and color.

Other important characteristics in the mascara are that not make clumps and not cause me allergies. I've tried many mascara in that pursuit of the perfect one. I have found some good, other very good and a few that ultimately would never use.

One of these very good mascara is Maybelline Colossal Big Shot Mascara. It has a brush with very good bristles that help me to separate my eyelashes and give them volume without creating clumps. Is amazing because as from the first application, my eyelashes have volume. Only two coats of mascara are necessary to create the volume that I like.

This mascara also gives color to my lashes and makes them look dark. In combination with an eyeliner as Maybelline Master Precise Curvy create the perfect look.

Is the perfect mask for my daily style when apply a coat or night look if I apply two layers. The most important is to apply coatings until dry.

Maybelline Colossal Big Shot Mascara is easy of remove and from applying. Also has an accessible price $8.99(approximately). You want to know more about this mascara, click here.
I received this product complimentary from Influenster but all opinion are my own.

Influenster is a community that you allows test products free in Exchange for providing your honest opinion. You are interested to be part, click here.

See you next time,

Maybelline Colossal Big Shot Mascara (Review) Spanish

Aunque no soy de las mujeres que se maquilla todos los dias, por todos los pasos que conlleva un maquillaje perfecto, nunca falta una capa de mascara en mis ojos. Lo que busco en una mascara depende del momento, la ocasion y el look que quiero llevar.

Las caracteristicas de mi mascara preferida ha ido cambiado con el tiempo y el aprendizaje en el tema del maquillaje. Mis favoritas eran las mascaras que alargaban las pestañas. Considero que hace lucir el rostro sexy y bonito.

Desde que uso espejuelos, esas preferencias han cambiado, he aprendido que cuando usas espejuelos no debes alargarlas porque no van a lucir. Soy de pestañas delgadas, claras y cortas, por eso ahora busco mascaras que me den volumen y color.

Otras caracteristicas importantes en la mascara son que no me creen grumos y ni me den alergias. He probado muchas mascaras en esa búsqueda de la mascara perfecta. He encontrado unas buenas, otras muy buenas y uns pocas que en definitiva no volvería a usar.

Una de esas mascaras muy buenas es Maybelline Colossal Big Shot Mascara. Tiene un cepillo con cerdas muy buenas que me ayudan a separara mis pestañas y darles volumen sin crear grumos. Es increible ver como desde la primera aplicación, las pestañas tienen volumen. Sólo dos capas de mascara son necesarias para crear el volumen que me gusta.

Esta mascara ademas le da color a mis pestañas y las hace lucir oscuras. En combinación con un delineador como Maybelline Master Precise Curvy creas el look perfecto.

La mascara perfecta para mi look diario cuando aplicas una capa o un look nocturno si aplico dos capas. Lo mas importante es aplicar las capas antes de que se sequen.

Maybelline Colossal Big Shot Mascara es fácil de quitar y de aplicar. Ademas tiene in precio accessible de $8.99 aproximadamente. Quieres conocer mas sobre Maybelline haz clic aqui.

Yo recibí este producto gratis a cambio de ofrecer mi honesta opinion gracias a Influenster.

Influenster es una comunidad en internet que te permite probar productos gratis a cambio de ofrecer tu honesta opinion. Te interesa ser parte, clic aqui.

Hasta la proxima,

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