Friday, February 17, 2017

Grandpa is Flying In Spaceship

Disclosure: I receive this product for free in exchange of my honest and unbased opinion.

Death is a subject that few people want to talk about. And if we have to explain to children is more difficult. Talking about death with them requires sensitivity and honesty on the subject.

 I have two children, one of 9 years and one of 4 years and with both I speak of the subject in different ways. I think the best way to talk about deaths is by using a story. This allows children to visualize the concept of death, the feelings they generate, and how to deal with them.

This is just what the story Grandpa Is flying in spaceship proposing. It is a very pleasant, simple and direct story that tells the story of Mick and his grandfather Josh. They have a very close relationship and complicity. However the grandfather dies suddenly, leaving Mick baffled and sad. The story explains the feelings that arise with the death of a relative, the traditions and family union. It has simple language and colorful drawings that capture the attention of children. It is a very beautiful story that any child can understand.

My 9 year old son said: "This was a sad and nice story. It helps kids learn what to do if someone they love dies, and tells them that everybody will  die suddenly, even though they love that person so much. On the last part the grandma says a little speech that is very true and should be read aloud and passed on".

The 4-year-old girl was able to explain what happened in the story but she found it a little harder to understand the concept of death.

We had a nice discussion on the subject. We will definitely read it again.

If you want to buy an ebook you can use this link :


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